A topic dear to my heart.

I live near a beach (not the one in the photo but close) and swim a lot, almost daily.  I like my budgie smugglers.  They are more comfortable when swimming than shorts.  I don't see a problem with them, on me or others just like I don't oibject to women wearing bikinis.  I have no problem with Tony Abbott wearing them at the beach, regardless of whethe rthe media chooses to photograph him wearing them or not.  Budgies are an Australian icon.  If you dislike budgies or think they should be banned, you are being un-Australian!

I do however agree that they should only be visible at the beach or in a swimming centre.  They should not be worn without shorts commuting to those appropriate locations, including from your car, public transport (God forbid people wearing them on the bus or train!) or house to the beach or swimming centre.  Wearing a T-shirt over them does not excuse this if the budgies are visible.

I do object to men showing off their undies above their shorts or trousers.  That is plain crude and ugly!

Posted by logicallyspeaking Friday, February 4, 2011


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Sydney, NSW, Australia
I look at things in what I believe to be a very logical fashion. Over the past 12 months I've been amazed by what I have seen in the media and I get the feeling a majority of the public believe what they read/see/hear. After all, I see little rebuttal of what is in the media. I don't care too much if no one else reads this blog. I started it to release some of the anxiety and frustration I get from what I see in the media. I won't necessarily write about media related topics. I may write about other topics dear to my heart. If you do read it, I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment.


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